Woodworking: Break-Down and Prep the Wood Like a Pro
- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 1527
Many woodworkers can end up spending a lot of time fixing things that happened during the build of their woodwork project, that could have been avoided with a bit more knowledge and preparation before they started building ... and that's what this article will cover, prepping and understanding wood.
Woodworking: Break-Down and Prep the Wood Like a Pro
When you build a wood project, and spend all the time and money on plans, tools, wood under most conditions, you want your project to turn out well no matter what it is. This is especially true if you are building furniture or other items around the home that you want to look good and often to also withstand everyday use and remain in good condition.
Pro-Level Wood Joinery: This Tool Changes Everything!
- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 5370
I remember joking with other woodworkers at guild meeting about "wouldn't it be nice to have some sort of a machine or jig that can give you perfect joints without a lot of fuss, that are super strong and precisely located" then I discovered the Dowelmax and it became my only joint-making tool for all the reasons I just listed.
I made this article and video to use as a reference for those new woodworkers who to know more about this tool can do, and for those experienced woodworkers as a reminder for new things they may not have thought about.
Pro-Level Wood Joinery: This Tool Changes Everything!
I often talk about this jig as the tool that changed my life in woodworking, and it's the truth. Before discovering this jig, like everyone else I made mostly mortise and tenon joints ... and hated it, I could never seem to get them to fit perfectly, the reveals were frequently not different thicknesses and they are tedious to make ... especially for something nobody ever sees except the woodworker because the mortise and tenon joints are buried and glued deep into the wood.
Master Cabinet Builder Reveals His Secrets
- Read Time: 2 mins
- Hits: 1276
I had not met Paul McCuish officially until recently, but I had seen some of his cabinets at an Art Exhibit he had participated in and I was very impressed with the quality of his work, so much so that I finally got around to calling him to see if we could get together for a bit of a tour of his work and his workshop.
Master Cabinet Builder Reveals His Secrets
He asked me a few questions, then we set a time to get together and the video and pictures will pretty much tell the whole story ...
All About Wood Burls Including the Crime Scene Connection
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 1761
I started off at the Worlds Largest Burl, which turns out was a crime scene. Yes, apparently 2 culprits (caught on video) decided to try and burn down the burl which was housed in a type of wooden gazebo. I understand both have been apprehended and charged and are due in court some time in the next few months. Sadly, I have very little faith they will have much of a sentence, and I probably won’t even hear about it ...
All About Wood Burls Including the Crime Scene Connection
Now the community is wrestling with what to do about their famous burl. I understand they have discovered and even LARGER burl and are now weighing the costs and efforts to have it move onsite. We will wait to see how this develops ...
Beyond Expectations: The Incredible Surprises of Crafting this Wooden Foot Locker
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 2904
Some woodworking projects turn up unexpected results ... this is one of those builds. I absolutely loved making this project, the Boot Locker or mini trunk. It was fun to make and what I really liked was there were SO MANY different things I could do in making this, I am going to make more ...
Beyond Expectations: The Incredible Surprises of Crafting this Wooden Foot Locker
And that was my biggest problem, what kind of joinery should I use, what kind of top, what woods could I use, how do I want to color the wood and what finish? ... so many questions and ideas ...
Stop Fearing Wood Routers - Watch This!
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 2144
I have heard SO MANY people and even knowledgeable and experienced woodworkers who say, "I am afraid to use a router, they scare me". And there are so many things that routers can do, it's a sad that so many people cannot benefit from using them, so this video is meant to help some who fear using routers and show some of the many benefits that can be gained by overcoming that fear ...
Stop Fearing Wood Routers - Watch This!
And where better to start, that with what routers are available and some of the bits that can be used ...
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