This quick video is primarily for the thousands of new subscribers to my YouTube channel who have not had a chance to see or understand what something called the "Magswitch" can do in their workshop. Basically it is a little adapter that can be used to turn a magnet on and off and thereby use it to attache jigs and safety equipment to anything with a steel base, like table saws, bandsaws and drill presses.

Woodworking Jigs & Safety: Magswitch Solutions

This is NOT a long article, instead, learning by seeing will be easiest so what I am trying out with this video is to provide "clips" of magswith uses in jigs and adapters so others can see visually what can be done  ...  And don't forget that these switches are currently ON SALE November 21 to 26 or 2023 only ... you can check out the discounts of 15% and up to 30% at this link -

Here are some notable clips on Magwitch uses and strengths

Horizontal Holding Power - 


Full Video on Pivoting Bandsaw Fence - 


Making the "L" Fence for Table saw, (full video) - 


Verticle Holding fence for Drill Press - 

Thin Strip Ripping Jig -  


For more ideas on Magswitches and uses, use the SEARCH box on this website in the upper righthand corner and type in the word 
... then hit return and check out the list of links related to magswitch uses.












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