- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 16704
One of the reasons there are so many different woodworking jigs is that one jig that does a specific job, may not necessarily perform a similar job when needed, or it may be too cumbersome to use. Such is the case with this Table Saw Mitre Gauge attached Tapering Jig or Wedge Making jig as some call it. This jig is not well suited for making things like tapered legs where there are tapers on all 4 sides. This is because when you taper 2 opposing sides, the last 2 sides need support in order for them to make equal angle cuts, and you also need to compensate for the width of the saw blade with something like veneers. It can be done, but this jig is very cumbersome for that kind of cut. This jig I made in a previous video is far better for making tapered legs and for trimming uneven edged wood, you can check it out here.
Make a Mitre Gauge Tapering Jig for the Table Saw
This tapering jig is far more suited for smaller, one or maybe 2 sided cuts. I like it because it is variable in many ways including the thickness of stock, width of stock and quite wide variable angles of wedge or tapered sizes. I made mine replicating a 30 - 60 degree triangle, only because it gave me different lengths of the triangle to work with ...
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- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 73221
It seems I am forever needing to cut a board into equal halves. I always have a tape measure handy, but sometimes it's just quicker and more accurate to use a center finding jig to find the center of a board, especially when they are strange widths ... like 13-9/16. Oh sure I can stop and figure this out in my head ... of use the metric scale, or just grab my center finder jig and have it done in a few seconds ... and anyway, it's fun to make these jigs and see if there are ways we can make them better and more useful.
Adjustable Center Finder Jig / Center Marking Jig
This version of the center finding jig has been around for many, many years but I have never seen an adjustable version ... not that there aren't some out there somewhere, just that I have never seen one.
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 13052
Quick and Handy Drill Press Angle Base Jig
Depending on how much you plan on using a jig will determine who much time you want to invest in making it. Some jigs that I use a lot I have put a lot of time into and made them with some built in features that make them easier and more accurate to use. This drill press angle jig is one that I will seldom use, so I want it to be sturdy but I'm not going to invest a ton of time into features to make it more usable. I have a pretty good hunch it will not get a lot of work because the number of times I have had to adjust my existing drill press table in the past 10 years, is about 3 times. Part of the reason for that is because who ever designed this drill press did a super poor job of making the adjustable table anything but easy to adjust ... but never mind, the new angle jig will solve that too.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 23822
The circular saw for some workers, like carpenters, is often their most used tools, and they even wear them out, For woodworkers it might also be their most important tool especially if they are new to woodworking and still working on a collection of power tools. For me, it was the second power tool (after my corded drill) that I purchased, and even though I no longer have that circular saw, to this day I still use my circ saw quite often for breaking down sheets of plywood to manageable sizes before running through the table saw, and even for longer boards that just need to be shortened so they are easier to maneuver in my workshop.
2 Handy Circular Saw Jigs: Cross Cut Jig & Ripping Jig
The first 8 foor ripping jig for the circular saw that I made is probably 20 years old and despite the fact I have gone through 2 circular saws since then, I still use that jig to this day .. that's how handy that jig is for breaking down sheets of plywood ...