Was I Wrong about Glue Joinery? - Joint Testing 2x4s
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 6984
One of the nice things about woodworking is generally we rely on the strength of the wood, softwoods are not so strong while hardwoods are much stronger and man-made woods can vary either way, but jointing them together presents a whole new world of possibilities ... and what are the strengths and weaknesses we should know about.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/f4unIqMB070
One of the least common tools you will find in a woodworking shop is a Hydraulic Press ... like the one I have ...
Backwards Woodworking: The Climbing Cut - Learn How to Do It Right!
- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 3882
Wood routers are a great tool, but many woodworkers are afraid of them. This happens when tool technique is not understood, or the tool is used without any knowledge of how to use it and the end results are poor and but knowing how to use them can elevate your woodworking techniques.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/ZMmv152lzco
Woodworking encompasses many unique processes because of the nature of how wood grain grows and the kinds of things that we do in making woodworking projects, and one of these seldom know or used techniques are quite valuable to know
Bad Ideas In Woodworking You Should NEVER Try: Episode 8
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 2700
Not every idea in the workshop is a good idea, some are even dangerous but fortunately, most of us can recognize the really bad ones before we do them. It's often the ideas that "seem to be good" that turn out not to be so great, I know, I have tried MANY of them and found out the hard way why they aren't so great.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/oXDuECW-FqY
But even more, I always want to dig into the reasons WHY they sounded good but turns out not to be such a good idea after all, and often I uncover things I had not thought of in the past that I can then apply to other woodworking tasks ...
New 3M Xtract Sander: Is It The Best Sander Ever?
- Read Time: 8 mins
- Hits: 8947
It's not often that something quite revolutionary comes along, and when I get to be a part of it, and I can see firsthand just what a game changer it can be, it makes it even more compelling and so it is with this new 3M Random Orbital Sander. In my experience, this is the perfect mid priced sander that will give outstanding performance equally, and often even better, than any of the higher prices professional sanding systems.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/jWXekCXBmcc
A few months ago I had the opportunity to make a video for the 3M company on their new Xtract Net Sanding Discs. Of course, like everything else I ever take on,t the first thing I need to do is test out the product to see if it is everything the manufacturer claims. In my case, I was everything and more. The 3M sanding disc convinced me within a few days of using them just how superior they were to anything I had ever used ... so when I heard they were coming out with a new sander, I couldn't wait to see it ... and here it is ...
Amazon Tools You Will Actually Use! (well, mostly)
- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 3873
I seldom buy things on the spur-of-the-moment, but I am not immune to it either ... a few weeks ago an email floated across my desk about an Amazon "Prime" day where there were some discounts or certain things one thing caught my eye, which of coarse made me review the whole email and I spotted a few things that looked interesting to me ...
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/9MIi6NYsGYY
They weren't very expensive items, and I don't even remember the prices but I decided to pick up a few of them and so here they are ...
Why You Should NEVER Use 2x4s for Furniture Woodworking!
- Read Time: 9 mins
- Hits: 8271
Easily the most emails I receive from people who are having problems with their wood and or their wood projects are issues that come from using wet wood. That is ... wood that has a moisture content above the recommended 9% that is often used as the guideline for making quality furniture. Most who I talk to don't even know what the moisture content of their wood is and very, very few own moisture meters.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/tNHcNjTrTf0
Moisture content is almost never talked about but it is THE most important issue when you are buying wood because almost everything that falls out of your builds that becomes problematic is a result of the high moisture contained in your wood.
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