Perfect Glue-Ups for Woodworking Projects
- Read Time: 8 mins
- Hits: 4273
The one thing that is consistent with almost every woodworker, is gluing boards together. I have known for years that unless you do this very fundamental chore properly, glued boards can cause no end to problems and hard work. It took me years to figure out the perfect system that works for me.
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I have learned that when I take my time and do a good job of gluing boards together, it saves me tons of time, like reducing my sanding down to almost nothing and it also drops my frustration in trying to align boards after they are glued together, which is much harder to do. And despite the fact it takes me longer to make the glue-ups the whole project seems to come together more easily.
Colin Knecht's Jig and Workshop Updates!
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 6441
I love holiday time, it gives me a period of uninterrupted time in the workshop to work on some new ideas and changes I have been putting off over the past several months. Sometimes they are experiments, often from suggestions to others that will hopefully lead to permanent solutions or processes.
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Many of these seem to lead to the table saw, and this episode is no different, but there are a few variables thrown in for variety ...
5 More Awesome Oscillating Tool Tricks
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 6698
Here's a topic I brought forward because of some new ideas I developed that I wanted to share with everyone. As you probably know, Oscillating Multi-Tools are not the most common thing in a woodworker's shop but will find most carpenters and home reno people who have found this little tool indispensable.
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Well, now you can use it for a variety of things in workshops too ... especially if you have or are thinking about a CNC machine ...
Cheapest DIY Moxon Vise Build!
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 6244
OK, how many of you have ever needed a Moxon Vice but never seem to get around to purchasing the hardware for one? Yup, that's me too. I don't need a vise like this very often, and I don't really have the room on my bench for something I only need once in a while, so this little tip from Tony was a great idea.
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With little more than a decent quality construction grade 2" X 6" board, about 6 feet long and you too can have your own Moxon Vice ...
6 Quick Subscriber Workshop Tricks - Episode #29
- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 3100
It seems that some great ideas are born from other great ideas. There are 2 ideas in this episode that are ideas from others that I also happened to be working on and their ideas prompted me to get moving on the idea and see if or how it worked ...
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So many woodworking ideas to work with and often one leads to another ... like ...
WARNING! Everyone Will Want This Coffee Carrier
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 5412
For anyone who has had to struggle to carry hot drinks like tea or coffee will appreciate this super cool drink carrier. They not only look and work great, but they also save us having to recycle paper carriers that take up tons of room before they find their way to the recycle bin ... but there is a warning ...
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Nearly every time I take my drink carrier to pick up coffees, I am asked "how much do they cost?" "where I get one?", "Are you taking orders?", "can you make one for me?" ... these drink carriers are super popular items ...
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