Most woodworkers, even causal ones, are often looking for projects that they can make a little bit of money on, if only to help pay for wood and other supplies. This great little quilt rack is one of those items that could be turned into a small part-time cottage industry.
There are thousands of quilters all over the world who need to have a place to store and display their works. This quilt rack is easy to make, looks great would be a perfect addition to any bedroom's decor. Especially attractive in guest room, where quilts or even spare blankets, towels and such could be stored.
Easy Build Wooden Quilt Rack
The rack that we built was 12 inches wide by 32 inches high and 32 inches wide. There are no firm sizes for quit racks so you can build what ever works for you. The only thing we really want to do is to make sure that it is sturdy and that it won't in any way mar the quilts. In our case ...
we wanted to make a quilt rack that was somewhat subdued. We didn't want the rack itself to take away from the quilts. It's like having a picture in a frame, the frame should enhance the picture not overpower it. We decided, in this case to stain the stand a bit of a neutral or darker color. Of course using stain, we wanted to make sure that it would never come off on a quilt so we opted to use a Varathane water-bourne clear finish, that also dries very quickly and to a hard finish. We gave the rack 3 coats of the Varathane.
For the side on our build, we used pine wood, which is quite soft, but it is what we had on hand. We didn't want to use pine for the cross pieces so opted to use Maple as it is much harder and would help prevent the quilt stand from -racking - over time (that is, having the joints come loose and sit at an angel).
Because this was an Easy Build, we didn't want to do anything fancy for the joinery. In this case we opted to use screws to tie the gable ends together but covered the screws with some nice little Maple Buttons that enhanced the look of the project.
All in all, a nice project, quick and easy to build and much appreciated by those doing quilting crafts to store and display their own projects on
Copyright - Colin Knecht