Colin's Woodworking Fail - Wooden Chair Project
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 3106
I love a good challenge and I certainly found it with this chair. I knew it was a bit complicated going in but when I drew the plans, I had a pretty good idea how I would be going about the build. I also knew that this could well be a prototype build, but I didn't really expect to abandon the build after pours hours and hours of work into it.
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Everyone makes woodworking mistakes and today I'll show you one of my woodworking fails in a wooden chair design I made. Hopefully, you can help me with this failed woodworking project and post your ideas in the comments section of this YouTube Video.
Subscriber Submitted Woodworking Tips & Tricks - Episode 22
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 4173
More new ideas and suggestions from subscribers with some fascinating wrinkles on getting more value by adapting other tools and non-woodworking items for the workshop ...
Subscriber Submitted Woodworking Tips & Tricks - Episode 22
Rob in Australia sent this tip in, for anyone who has problems aligning the sides of their picture frames for gluing, and when they are still ...
How to Save Money Buying Lumber
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 4407
Saving money on lumber can take on many forms and when some lumber prices jump in price like what has happened over the past couple years, 2020 and 2021 where we have seen many lumber prices climb very high, it makes us even more aware of how we need to be particularly careful in our selections of wood and how we work with it.
How to Save Money Buying Lumber
This video and article are meant to give an overview of many of the things woodworkers can do in acquiring wood and using wood that will help save them money. For much more detail on this topic there is a 6 part series on how to save money on wood where each episode is independent of the others so you can pick and choose which ones are more specific to your situation and benefit from the details of those articles and videos ... see below for an overview, pick just one topic and give it a try ...
Subscriber Submitted Woodworking Tips & Tricks - Episode 21
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 4390
More cool tips and tricks from Subscribers and even a few "bonus" tips from Colin in this episode's video so check it out and see what you can learn from other wood workers
Ah yes ... the stuck pails, how many times have we had this happen to us. I have struggled with these crazy plastic pails sticking together ... and often I have something else in my other hand, so there I am trying to unstick pales, one-handed and just making them stick even firmer .. sound familiar??
Best Results for Woodworking with OAK Wood
- Read Time: 9 mins
- Hits: 6056
Once you have worked with less expensive woods, a natural progression is to purchase more expensive woods and many people select Oak because it is readily available and of all the exotic woods, it is one of the better-priced woods ... and of course Oak projects look great when they are finished.
Best Results for Woodworking with OAK Wood
In North America, there are basically 2 kinds of Oak that you will be able to choose from Red Oak or White Oak. Most wood stores will have Red Oak, but not all will have White Oak as it is often a tiny bit more expensive, and most people who are choosing flooring or wood for furniture choose Red Oak.
14 Masking Tape Tips in the Workshop
- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 6231
Yikes !!! ... Masking Tape might be my most valuable tool, I can't believe how often I reach for masking tape in the workshop. I easily use it every day, often multiple times and I don't even think about it.
14 Masking Tape Tips in the Workshop
I have been trying out some of the off-brands and I am finding they are not always consistent and I need a masking tape that is going to work for me, for example when I label something if I come back in a few months and the label has fallen off and I don't which is which when it comes to finishes or dyes, that's not a good thing...
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