New Woodworking Accessories You Should Have!
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 4736
I guess I am a bit of an accessory wood junkie, I love to see what's new, not just in tools, but in accessories. I am amazed at what people can come up with and I am equally amazed by things that I saw many years ago at wood shows, that I did not purchase, but now when I decide I want them they are now gone from the marketplace.
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Here are a few new items I have discovered and I decided to get in on them early ... or at least early for me, and pick up these items ... some new, some used.
RE-BUILD - Router Table Box Joint Jig
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 6430
Many years ago I said that if you want to impress another woodworker, make a dovetail joint ... if you want to impress everyone else you can make box joints, and that is still true today. Most people cannot tell the difference and to an untrained eye, box joints and dovetail joints look pretty much the same, but box joints are much easier to make, and using a router means you can make very fine joints.
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I first made this jig as a concept, I wanted to see if the same Lynn Sabin plans that created this jig well over 20 years ago, could be adapted to the router table. And it worked ... and it worked well. That jig I make many years ago worked fine so I didn't bother to make another ... until recently when I dug it out and found that some of the MDF and plywood that I used years ago, had cracked and the jig worked, but not smoothly.
Subscriber Submitted Workshop Tips and Tricks #23
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 4352
Before we get started with this episode, I want to take some time here as well to acknowledge all the woodworking clubs and guilds who took me up on my offer to speak at their woodworking meeting over the past 8 months, during COVID and when most were having Zoom meetings. In all, I spoke to 23 US clubs, 2 in Canada and one in England. I did all these presentations for free, but some clubs insisted on gifting me something and I thank them all very much ... and all clubs who invited me to speak ... I look forward to some time in the future when I may have a chance to meet in person at shows, meeting or other events.
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This first tip, from Sylvain, is something I wished I had known about 30 years ago. I can't imagine how many times I have dropped nuts or washers when trying to fit them onto bolts that are in awkward places, and of course, the washers fall off as soon as you try to attach the nut ...
Saw Blade Kerf: Micro Kerf vs Thin Kerf vs Full Kerf - What You Should Know
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 15190
Full (or thick) Kerf versus Thin Kerf and what about Micro Kerf? All the questions I get on blade kerf, including what size of blade should I use? Like many things when you know the answer it's easy, and when you understand the reasons "why" it just makes blade selection and blade purchases so much easier and ... getting the right blade for the right job.
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There are no standards on blade thickness, and some manufactures even vary the thickness, very slightly, within their own lines. Because of this, all thicknesses are given as approximate since thousandths of an inch or millimeter are typically insignificant. There are no secrets about blade kerf but there are pros and cons about what you should use and what you might need to purchase and to make things easier I have tried to lay things out in something of a point form ...
Colin's Woodworking Fail - Wooden Chair Project
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 3041
I love a good challenge and I certainly found it with this chair. I knew it was a bit complicated going in but when I drew the plans, I had a pretty good idea how I would be going about the build. I also knew that this could well be a prototype build, but I didn't really expect to abandon the build after pours hours and hours of work into it.
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Everyone makes woodworking mistakes and today I'll show you one of my woodworking fails in a wooden chair design I made. Hopefully, you can help me with this failed woodworking project and post your ideas in the comments section of this YouTube Video.
Subscriber Submitted Woodworking Tips & Tricks - Episode 22
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 4092
More new ideas and suggestions from subscribers with some fascinating wrinkles on getting more value by adapting other tools and non-woodworking items for the workshop ...
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Rob in Australia sent this tip in, for anyone who has problems aligning the sides of their picture frames for gluing, and when they are still ...
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