AMAZON TOOL HAUL: The Best Gadgets I've found.
Black Friday sales often drive out new and innovative products for the new season and into the future, it is also a time when we can save a bit of money on things ... or so I thought, when one item from my purchases of three was lost, I canceled the order and re-ordered about 2 weeks later, only to find that the small item I ordered was $15 cheaper than the Black Friday Sale - buyer beware I remind myself. But there they are, a new version of a clamping device that I often use when assembling or dry fitting projects, a very innovative speed square with some new kinds of features, that was surprisingly accurate, and the jig I will find most useful, a series of round-over templates for using my palm router to round over the corners of tables and similar items and get perfectly matched rounded corners. So check out tool deals from this Amazon Haul!
90-Degree Positioning Squares Right Angle Clamps
Get them at my Amazon store here:
6 Inch Folding Triangle Square
Get it at my Amazon store here:
4 Pcs Set Radius Jig Router Templates
Get these router templates at my Amazon store: