- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 29115
The biscuit joiner was invented around 1955 in Europe with the intention it would help cabinet makers using particleboard, MDF, and plywoods in making stronger and more accurate joints using these materials. It was soon discovered that a biscuit joiner could also be used in natural woods too.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/yEsCVi4Rsn4
One of the main purposes of a biscuit joiner for anyone using natural woods was to use it for making connections for aligning narrow boards together to make a wider board. Using biscuits to help keep natural boards aligned for glue-ups became something of a standard but not everyone experienced success with this practice, including me. If you are getting good results, congrats, many people are not and this article is to help assist those who are having problems with getting good results.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 7899
I'm sure the wood jointer was the most frustrating tool for me to figure out how to set and use, but I stuck with it because I understood it was the foundation of everything I wanted to make that was straight and flat, and so I had to make sure I knew how to set up and use the jointer ... but I also learned there is a lot more to jointing wood ...
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/vb_s-NSxiyw
And one of the first things I learned was that setting up the jointer is job number one, and it needs to be done correctly or nothing else matters ...
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 7184
Pocket Hole Machines are new, but as time goes on, they become smaller, more versatile, and more affordable, especially for anyone who would like to get into the woodworking industry and actually make a living at it. Of course, one way is to build cabinets, which are always in demand and there is no letup in sight. The cabinet market is strong and will be for a long time.
Watch the video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/MoF57GYc7xg
In almost every market, anyone who can turn out good quality cabinets at a fair market price will have as much work as they can handle for the foreseeable future and of course, on way to accomplish this is to use pocket hole machinery to help make strong, attractive cabinets in a timely fashion.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 47872
I think my Oscillating tool is over 10 years old now, and I bet it doesn't have 3 hours of work on it, but I wouldn't have traded it for the world. I bought at the time I was installing new vinyl windows in my home and embedding them into the old aluminum frames so that I would not have to have the stucco siding re-done. It saved me thousands, the windows went in flawlessly and the whole reno easily passed the energy audit.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/prW2QdElZzg
The oscillating tool was used to cut away the aluminum rails on the old windows so they were flush, right into the corners, so the new windows were a good fit going in and without it, I would have spent countless more hours trying to cut and trim that aluminum away ...