- Read Time: 2 mins
- Hits: 27024
For years many of the table saw blade manufacturers have been preaching that we should be using blade stabilizers on our table saw blades in order to get precision cuts. But what about the costs, the draw backs, and do we really need these?? Read on for the answer, you could be very surprised at what you will find ...
First of all, blade stabilizers are not particularly cheap. If you get a good pair that has been balanced and trued, expect to pay in the vicinity of $20. True, they do cut down on blade vibration on some blades but what has caused that blade vibration in the first place? Is this a result of an inferior saw blade, OR, have you inadvertently jammed some wood between the blade and the fence and bent the blade yourself? In either case, you have a blade that is off true, for situations like this blade stabilizers may be helpful.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 21985
There is no magic in making quality woodwork projects, it only takes patience and accurate measurements. The patience I am working on, the accurate measurements I rely on others to make quality tools that I purchase and use. Turns out, relying on others to make quality tools is a bit hit and miss. I have three small fixed squares, two inexpensive plastic versions and one steel, brass wood combination (my favorite) I paid over $25 for, and expected that I was purchasing a fine measuring tool ... note that I said "expected" ... click below to see what I really got.
- Read Time: 2 mins
- Hits: 14805
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 38489
WHO'S CONFUSED ??? ... I see woodworkers every day who spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on a table saw and never give a thought to the blades that are on the saw. Often they simply leave the blades that the saw comes with on the saw or ever worse, they go out and purchase a twelve dollar blade for it. Why would they do this you ask? ... because in most cases they really don't know what blades to purchase ... well we will attempt to demystify the agony of buying table saw blades. The truth is putting a good quality blade on a mediocre saw is far more effective than having crappy blade on an excellent table saw.