It's interesting to me how woodworking tips on one topic and lead to another tip on a different topic, even when they are not related. Like saving glue (which is not one of the topics of this article) and how that can spin itself into getting better use from paints and finishing products (which is here ... later on).

Subscriber Submitted Tips and Trick #17

In these cases, personally, I am less concerned about the costs of replacing the materials which compared with the lost time in productivity not to mention the workflow time, which is often far more expensive than the materials. For me, it's frustrating to open a can of paint or similar finishing material and find that it's dried out or has formed such a thick top crust it almost makes the material valueless especially if you have to pick out chunks of dried paint or whatever inside before you can even use it ...
** CHECK OUT**  PODCAST of Daniel Carter with Colin Knecht  (approx 45 min.) listen here -

This tip comes from Brian, who explained to me that if you mix distilled vinegar 50/50 with water, it will soften the glue enough to take the wood apart. Now I have do doubt this is true, but for what I used it didn't work, but I don't know what glue  Brian used, or what wood and what thickness he was talking about which of course I never thought to as when he sent in the email ... so Brian, since this didn't work for me can you send me a bit more detail on your tip :) 

Vinegar removing glue

The next tip came from Alex who explained that the reason glues dry out (and form crusts on top) is because air is allowed to react with the paint. He went on to say if you can block the air from getting to the paint is will last longer (and it will probably prevent the crusts from forming on top too ... maybe?). He suggested using parchment paper and that if you use the lid of the paint can as a template you can get a pretty good fit ... which I have done. The first problem I encountered was the parchment paper rolling up into a tube ... but I found that if you take a moment you can uncurl the parchment paper (or at least mine did).
The only real problem I can't tell if it works in this video as it will take time, days, or weeks to see if the parchment works ... but, as I said in the video, it's certainly can't hurt anything thing to try it and I am anxious to see if this solves the paint problem.  

Latex paint skin

Vaughn sent in this idea of using a chain to make circles or arcs. I do have a couple of compasses in my measuring drawer that I use for smaller circles but for the larger ones I am often running around the shop trying to find something large and circular that I can use as a template for larger circles ... like a plastic pail, unfortunately, most of them are not circular ... the are oval ... I have discovered the hard way. Vaughn's idea of using the chain is brilliant ... I can make any size circle or any size arc. I will definitely get good use of this one. 

Circles for chains

Christopher Sent in this tip for storing your jigsaw blades ... he says, use an empty spice contain. And so I raided my wife's spice cabinet and wouldn't you know, not an empty one to be had ... but  ... hmmm there was a couple that I know we haven't used in a long time, and one only had a bit left in it, so out that went and in went my jigsaw blades ... perfect, easy to find them the plastic bottles are great and they hold all my blades, even a few still in packages. Good one Christopher.  

Jig Saw Blade Storage

Mark sent this tip in ... he says that when you might have just a small area that needs sanding, rather than sanding the whole top ... whatever size that might be, just use a small strip of sandpaper to do a touch-up job. The only thing you have to watch is not to sand too aggressively in one spot, but for smaller jobs, this is an excellent idea .. thanks, Mark. 

Sanding Strips

This tip comes from Josh, who has come up with some handy measuring blocks specifically for the circular saw. The blocking measure the distance between the edge of the base and the circular saw blade. If you make these, please remember to work safely with the saw unplugged or battery removed. 
These little measuring blocks are perfect ... basically, you draw a line where you want to cut, then you can use a block to measure how far away the edge of the circular saw base needs to be to get a perfect cut, set up your speed square or clamp some wood to what you are cutting and make perfect cuts exactly where you need them ... good tip Josh ... thanks. 

Measuring blocks

Well, that's it for this episode ...thanks to everyone who sent in tips, and for those innovative minds out there, if you have a tip or idea you would like to share with us, send me an email, and if I haven't already used the idea, and it's something I can do, I will put it somewhere in the future clip ...

Copyright Colin Knecht




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