It's always fun finding new ideas and new ways of doing things to save time and frustration and sometimes even tips and ideas that seem the simplest are in fact the most valuable, so I never underestimate their value ...

 Thanks to everyone who submits these ideas to me. I am surprised how many are new ideas or modifications of ideas that we hadn't thought of and a few are just to complex for me to replicate so those are in a different file and I may be able to get to them someday too ... but they are all enlightening and fun ...

 This tip comes from David in Texas, and where he lives there is a very high moisture content in the air, which means tools, including router bits, tend to rust more quickly and rust on router bits is particularly bad. To help solve this David uses those small anti-moisture packets that come with most over-the-counter drugs, medicines, and vitamins. The descants help to preserve the quality of the contents by absorbing moisture in the bottle. Most us just throw these out, but keeping them and putting them in your router cabinet means a bit more use from them in helping to prevent rust before they are discarded. 

Router Bit Rust

This is one of the easiest tips I have seen and I wish I had thought of years ago. I don't use much paper towel in my shop but when I do it's because my hands have stick glue or something similar to them and I need to get it off. By inserting one sheet of paper towel in the end of the roll, I can quickly grab it without trying to tear off a sheet and not contaminate the whole roll of paper towel ... so easy to do, thank you, Paul, from Oregon for this one.

Paper towel storage
I'm not sure why anyone named this tool a multi-tool, it really isn't that much of a multi-tool other than cutting and sanding, so it's nice to find another use for it. In this case, Bob is suggesting that using it for cutting off dowel blanks that have been used to fill pocket holes, as a substitute for a backsaw or pull saw, is a great idea. It's quick to use and if you have a nice sharp blade, the wood comes off quickly and a bit of sanding, if needed and it's a perfect plug ... thanks, Bob, great idea.

Pocket Hole Dowels

Garry sent this tip in, and it's something I have done in the past but had forgotten about and something I will start using again. The purpose, of course, is to vertically align your table saw blade with the top of your table saw. Most of us wide the blade all the way to the top, set the square across the table saw top then but it up to the table saw blade and adjust as needed, the wind the blade almost all the way back down into the saw ... because we are often cutting wood that is up to 3/4".  This tip works just an easy and all you have to do is remove your insert, square the blade and put the insert back ... very easy, thanks for the great reminder, Garry. 

Table Saw Square
Here's something I have not seen before, using a series of sticks and measuring sticks to make a series of cuts, like in a kerf cut for bending wood, or any other similar kind of cutting. In his case Ronald was using tongue depressors which if thick enough would work great depending on the blade thickness and spacing, in my case something a bit thicker was used with my Freud Thin Kerf Ripping Blade to accomplish the same kind of cut.
This was a neat idea .. thanks, Ron ... I will use this in the future.

Table Saw Measuring Sticks
If you have any ideas, suggestions for tips ... I always love to see them and if I have not already used them in a video, and if I can ... I will use them in a future video.
Thanks, everyone who has sent me their ideas ...

Copyright Colin Knecht

5 Quick Woodworking Tips / Subscriber Tips Episode 12

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