I love it when viewers send me THEIR woodworking Tips, Tricks, and Hacks ... for me to share with everyone. That's what makes a "woodworking community" which is what I have been working toward since the inception of this website almost 20 years ago. In all these tips and tricks that I publish and video, many, many viewers tell me that there is almost always at least one "nugget" in the list that they didn't know about that they are going to implement. 

Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/ItsSBHwqKBw

The first one on this episode's list is from Michael who has shared a great way to screw in eyelet screws, and at least for me something I struggle with often, like when I am making picture frames and the final step is to install the wire on the back of the frame for hanging ... do you think I can hold on to those tiny eyelets? 

 Nope, they slip out of my fingers, I can't seem to get a turn on them and I always fumble around with them. Likewise when I am using the larger ones, that when I think back, I seem to use these things a lot for all sorts of applications, the problem with the bigger ones, I can often only get a couple of turns on them before I can twist them any more so then need to get pliers or some other tool to secure them. Never did I think of using a Tap & Die wrench. Thanks, Michael, great idea.

Inserting eye screws

Then Randy told me yet another use for generic wooden hobby sticks, or what I often call Popsicle Sticks, but Popsicle is a registered trademark of Good Humor - Breyers, so I need to clarify that, and call the one I have as what they are, hobby sticks from the Dollar Store.  Randy uses these as thickness gauges. What a great idea. I already keep a small supply of these sticks on hand (and tongue depressors too) for mixing things like epoxy glue. For the small cost, I find them super convenient rather than trying to find a stick in my woodpile and one that is somewhat clean and not going to leave sawdust or wood fragments in my glue.  Randy uses them as depth gauges to figure out what size "reveals" he is using on parts of his furniture, such as the apron on things like tables leg. These hobby sticks are consistent thicknesses so you can stack them up as thick as you need and they are consistent  .. thanks Randy, great idea. 

Popsicle sticks hacks

Dan sent me a picture of how he hangs his extension cords on coat racks using plastic chain. I had heard of this a long time ago but had forgotten this tip so it was a great reminder for me and something I am going to set up for my extension cords. It's so easy, it keeps all nicely sorted, easy access and you can stack more than one on coat rack hook took. 

Extension cord hanger

And what went along so nicely with Dan's tip of hanging extension cords, was Trent's idea of plugging the ends together at storage. There are a few good reasons for this, and seeing a couple of bent prongs on 2 of my extension cords reminds me of one reason why it's not only a good idea, it's also a very handy idea because often these cords have plugs that are the same color as the cord so finding the ends, especially if it's a bit of dark area, which it often is when I am  using extension cords, makes the ends much easier to find ... thanks Trent ... I have already joined my end :)

Extension cord maintenance

Brian was the one who sent me the note about re-using extruded glue. I have heard of people doing this in the past, but like many ideas, I had never tried it, and thus had forgotten about it. When I looked at how much glue is extruded, compared to how much glue is actually used, I was surprised. I can see that if you scrape that glue up right away, and have a way to put it back, and of course it is clean and contaminated with sawdust ... there should be no reason why this glue could not be re-used. And anyone who is concerned about it, you could even store it in a different container labeled "Other Use Glue" for areas that might not be critical, like jigs etc. Great idea Brian, I am working on a way that I can make this idea work for me.

Glue Scraper

And last but by no means least is Ernie, who sent me an email about some sticky back pencil holders that he found at Walmart, that have become very handy for him in that he can now put pencils at appropriate work areas in his shop. I too have pencils at designates places, but not in holders and they are never in the spot they should be, fall on the floor or otherwise get misplaced. Ernie, I did go to my local Walmart but alas, I could not find the holders you talked about, but I will check again. They sound ideal.

And for anyone else who would like to share their ideas, tips, and trick, hacks etc. you can email me through this website, I would be delighted to hear from you an will use your ideas if they haven't already been used in the recent past ... I look forward to it.

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Copyright Colin Knecht


Woodworking Tricks

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