- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 5840
Safety in the workshop needs to be priority one! Always. We all try to work as safely as we can, but very often we are trying new things, ideas, and techniques or even new tools and things can go wrong very quickly in the workshop with spinning bits, blades, and machine parts.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/s3dp8Kh0Cvo
Luckily for most of us, when things have gone wrong, often innocently, we only get a scare and often escape any serious injury, and knowing what went wrong and why and thinking about these things in the future helps us work safer and often create better products.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 3945
Sometimes it is the simplest ideas that really catch my attention ... one of these you will see later in this article. I am often guilty of making things a bit too complicated and I can take a lesson from those who have easier ideas that are equally effective.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/k7TTkaAtLXQ
First off is a tip I should be using more often, and now that I have a stronger magnet hook, maybe it will work for me.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 3473
It's nice to see so many people from outside of North America sending in tips and in this episode are a couple more from European Countries, but tips are coming from all sorts of new sources and gives us all a fresh look at new ideas.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/W74LW1RNcRI
Sharing ideas in so many different formats means we all benefit and it enhances the community of woodworkers worldwide.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 4366
Before we get started with this episode, I want to take some time here as well to acknowledge all the woodworking clubs and guilds who took me up on my offer to speak at their woodworking meeting over the past 8 months, during COVID and when most were having Zoom meetings. In all, I spoke to 23 US clubs, 2 in Canada and one in England. I did all these presentations for free, but some clubs insisted on gifting me something and I thank them all very much ... and all clubs who invited me to speak ... I look forward to some time in the future when I may have a chance to meet in person at shows, meeting or other events.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/6x5TkqSeu4M
This first tip, from Sylvain, is something I wished I had known about 30 years ago. I can't imagine how many times I have dropped nuts or washers when trying to fit them onto bolts that are in awkward places, and of course, the washers fall off as soon as you try to attach the nut ...