- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 7162
There are a few reasons that you might want to slice wood finely using a bandsaw. For me, it is usually because I have some highly figured wood that I want to try and spread out over a larger area and by making thin slices I can book match the wood, or just use more of it in different areas, but sometimes I am wanting to cut wood in thin strips for a banding job too ... lots of different reasons.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/OXuo7ALndrE
This is a pretty easy auxiliary fence to make, I basically consist of one vertical piece of wood that comes to a point, or it could simply be rounded, either way, the point of a pivot fence is to be able to slice wood evenly over wider pieces of stock lumber.
- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 16393
What jig can you make that can do Dados, include stop dados, Rabbets, Fluting, Edging, and even Wainscoting? Yes, this jig can do all this and even more. It's easy to make and can be made a long or as short as you need from cut-off plywood or smaller pre-cut pieces from the lumber store and the only hardware needed is "T Bolts" and some wing nuts to go on them ...
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/5o5tubTr-BA
For this build, I started off with the "stop and start" blocks because, from them, the rest of the jig will come together naturally and will depend on the size and base of your hand router as to what size you want to make the jig.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 19557
Whenever I am sanding a project down, just before applying a finish, I often use my random orbital sander, but the final sanding job I do is to hand sand - with the grain - every part of the project, and finally, remove all the sanding dust. I ran out of 220 sheet sandpaper on my last project, which prompted me to use a disc pad as a hand sander. This gave me the idea to make a hand sander that uses the same discs as my random orbital sander.
How to Build a Hand Sanding Block for Sanding Discs
And by using the same hook and loop material I can even quickly change discs or grits when I need ...
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 18001
Drill Presses are handy, accurate woodworking machinery tools, but drilling holes in vertical pieces of wood can be a real headache without some sort of a jig, because it often means re-setting your drill press table (which will have to be re-aligned back later on) and setting up, often, multiple clamps to hold your workpieces.
Drill Press Vertical Hole Drilling Jig
There are a few solutions to this, and one of them is making this simple vertical drilling jig that clamps to your drill press table ...