It's always fun and enlightening for me to take time to visit Arnim in this workshop. He always has some unique build on the go and often a bunch more backed up behind it too. I love the detail and the passion that Arnim put into his work, a true artistic craftsman.
2018 SHOP TOUR: Arnim Rodeck Workshop Tour & Wood Art Projects
This time we started off by looking at the leaves he glued together from cut-offs he salvaged from his shop, then carved them to the shape of autumn leaves ...
The finished result was turned out to be a photograph that was featured on the cover of the 2018 Fall Catalogue for Lee Valley Tools.
Next, we headed into the shop and right over to the table saw where he has installed a sliding crosscut sled to the side of the saw. This has become his primary crosscut now as well has his ripping saw. And I love the dust collection hood that drops down from the ceiling and over the blade. It lifts up and down easily so if you need to work without it, it's easy to remove.
On the right side of the table saw deck, Arnim has installed his router table. I see this quite often, it serves 2 purposes, it saves room and it allows for using the table saw's fence as the router fence as well. In Arnim's has his router table deck is a steel so he can also use magnets to position his dust collection hose. An interesting idea that works well for him.
Adjacent to the table saw is the jointer ... yup, a 12-inch jointer with helical heads. I can only wish to have something like this, What an amazing tool and to it, he has added extra long infeed and outfeed tables too. As a door maker, he is often jointing large planks and beams so he needs the support of much longer infeed and outfeed tables. The match for this planer is a 15-inch planer in another part of the shop which I did not include in this video.
Another tool that shares the long infeed and outfeed table theme is his bandsaw, it also has something of a sliding fence jig attached to it so he can make long cuts with little effort, in the case where he might be wanting to cut veneers of thin strips of wood.
We also took a brief look at his dust collection and pipe that connects it all together to keep the entire workshop remarkably dust free, or at least keeps the dust way down.
And finally, we finished up at his massive workbench where he is working on a few different projects, the carved leaves, some abstract art that includes pieces of spalted maple and some intriguing looking carved walnut that almost looks like it was washed and carved by wave erosion.
To see more of Arnim's work, visit his website at -
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Copyright Colin Knecht