edgeWe often don't get the opportunity to see "behind the scenes" tours of businesses that we deal with on a regular basis, but today, we are making an exception. We have not only a behind the scenes look, but and actual guided tour of a bit and blade sharpening business called "The Edge". We get to see what the machinery looks like that sharpens our bits and blades and how it is use.

In this video you will get to see a variety of sharpening machinery and tools and in some cases we will get to see how they work and what they do. Our tour guide is sharpening expert and The Edge Owner, Tom Saxby, who has a remarkable sense of what it takes to provide sharp blades for specific needs at competitive prices. In this video we will get to see what a spiral sharpening machine looks like and how it work, we will see how blade sharpening machine for jointer planers works and including a variety of blade sharpening machinery.

There are two very fascinating machines that are particularly interesting. One is the CNC saw blade sharpener the other is a machine that actually makes shaper type blades.

Anyone who has ever needed to restore old and antique furniture or buildings will know that finding replacement mouldings and trim is nearly impossible. In some heritage buildings it is imperative that the original look of the building be maintained which can often mean restoring and re-making wood trim and other components. The Edge Sharpening has the machinery and even more importantly, the expertise to make these kinds of blades that can then be used to replicate heritage wood mouldings, trim and other pieces.

All they need in order to replicate these custom blades is a what the machine is that the blades are going on, and of course a sample of what the finished wood needs to look like. From this, Edge Owner Tom Saxby use his computer to design what the blade needs to look like. From that computer generated plan, he then proceeds to manufacture a special plastic plate which is then used  to form the finished blade. The entire process does take time to create a finished custom blade, but the time saved in then making countless hundreds of feet of moulding or trim is easily paid back in time saved, and it all maintains the heritage look of the building of other woodworking piece.

Another fascinating machine to watch is their CNC saw blade sharpener. This machine has the capability to replicate the exact tooth angles on saw blades that the manufacturers originally set out. What's even more impressive is that in the event a customer whats a slight alteration to a tooth design, this can also be done. The CNC sharpener takes of such as small amount that many blades that are claimed my manufacturers to be able to be re-sharpened a certain amount, can actually be sharpened more, provided there is no other external damage to the teeth.

Before any blade is put on the CNC sharpener it if first checked to make sure it is within tolerances and that all the teeth are firm and seated. With some blades certain repairs may be required. Once this is done the blades are put on the CNC machine, set up by computer and the machine is set to sharpen the blade on it's own, and tests itself to make sure it is taking off the right amount of carbide.

The Edge also use an older "hydraulic" type sharpener, which, in it's day was a good machine, and still is to today of less critical sharpening needs such as rough cutting mill type saws where complete accuracy is not as important as simply putting out a decent, sharp blade.

We would like to thank Tom for taking the time to provide this detailed tour for our viewers.

For more information on sharpening your blades the Edge Sharpening can be contacted at 250 - 475 - 8819 or stop by their location at 46 Crease Avenue in Victoria, BC. or see their website at http://edgesharpening.ca/

Copyright  Colin Knecht

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