Make a Bevel Cutting Jig for the Table Saw
The table saw is easily my favorite tool. For me, it is amazingly versatile in what it can do and when you start adding jigs to it, the table saw can do some amazing things. I am currently on my fourth, and possibly my last table saw. Since none of my saw, including this one, hand the same fences, many of my jigs I have had to re-make, including this bevel cutting jig. Hopefully this version will also be my last because I am going to make it with a small amount of adjustability in mind. Something I neglected on my last versions. To be honest, the last versions of the Bevel Cutting Jig that I made, were all rushed together quickly to satisfy an immediate need. This one I am making without that immediate need and with the knowledge that I will be using it in the future.
The biggest problems I had in the past with this jig was - storage. All my jigs needed to be stored in an unheated outdoor shed. This means the wood moved a lot. In the winter it is cold and damp and the wood expands to around 14% moisture content. In the summer it's often hot and dry the wood shrinks down to 8%. Now all this is not huge, but when you are working with close tolerances, like on a metal table saw fence. A jig I make in the summer, will certainly not slide back and forth on the table saw fence in the winter, in fact, some won't even fit over the fence they have expanded so much.Make a Bevel Cutting Jig for the Table Saw
This time I am going to select my wood carefully and make the part the slides over the table saw fence, slightly adjustable without having to take it apart and re-make it...
Stop Making Joinery Mistakes, Make This Planning Jig
I really hate it when I make woodworking mistakes because I waste time fixing something that is my own fault. Sometimes it's from rushing though a task other times I can just plain mixed up with what I am doing so even making a mistake once or twice prompts me to try and come up with a solution so maybe I can prevent it in the future...
Stop Making Joinery Mistakes, Make This Planning Jig
Making tables, regardless of the joiner is one of those times where you have similar looking items but that all fit in different areas and sometimes need to fit in a special way to sometimes take a away from defects in the wood, and always try to show it's best side.