Adjustable Fluting Jig - Mini Router Jig
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 84916
One of the elements that makes woodworking projects stand out is the attention to detail that the woodworker builds into their works. In some cases, one of the details that help to define a piece and break up large areas of plain wood ... is something called Fluting. A commonplace that you might find fluting would be a surround of a fireplace. Often there are wide pieces of wood around a fireplace and one way of making these plain pieces of wood more attractive is to "flute" them. You will also find fluting on table legs, bookcases, large wooden beds and other things that use wide boards in the construction.
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My goal with this jig project was to make a jig that I could use on many different projects that I could rely on as being accurate and for making repeatable flutes when I need them ...
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5 Quick Mitre Saw Tips and Tricks
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 16312
Dedicated crosscutting machinery really started with the old Radial Arm Saw which emerged around the 1930s. In its day this was a revolutionary saw and for anyone who could afford one, it really picked up the production of the shop by leaving the table saw to do mostly the ripping, which is what it is best at. When the Radial Arm got really popular when it reached a price point more people could afford, it was realized just how dangerous this saw could be without proper instruction. Radial Arm Saws are great, but they are unforgiving if you make a mistake or slight miscalculation. Fortunately, as things go, the Radial Arm slowly got replaced with a much safer Chop Saw and later the Sliding Mitre Saw, but don't ever get complacent with these saws either, all saws are dangerous and need to be treated with utmost respect.
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Of course, like most tools, woodworkers are always adapting and making attachments and jigs to make these saw work even better, and often safer too and here are just a few of the things that can be done to make chop saws and sliding miters even more effective ...
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Portable CrossCut Sled for Circular Saws
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 56668
The goal for this jig was to build a jig that was portable and accurate in making crosscuts with a circular saw, and at the same time, if it could prevent or somehow collect dust, that would be nice as well. All three were accomplished but the dust collection remains tenuous as a value, but I did reduce the volumes somewhat. What I really liked is just how portable and useful this jig is, it worked better than I expected, giving extremely accurate cuts, it's light to carry around and for anyone who is looking for very nice crosscut mechanism for their circular saw, this could be the one to try. Circular saws are not universal in their designs, so a jig or sled like this could well be different for different saws, the dimensions I am giving are only guidelines.
*** UPDATE *** Many thanks to Larry Chrisman for providing both a SketchUp file and PDF file found at the highlighted links, or by going to Plans on this site.
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I made mine from scrap woods I had around the workshop and even then, it didn't take much of that. I didn't have any plans to start with except the size of the circular saw blade and the dimensions of the saw it'self, and with that, I started and here is my methodology.
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5 Table Saw Tricks and Tips - Woodworking Hacks
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 12604
There are lots of smaller adaptations that can make table saws easier, quicker and safer to use this is just a small number of suggestions and ideas that some may be able to put to good use on their table saw.
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The most frequent accessory I use on my table saw is ...
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ISOTunes Safety Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds & Smartphone Cabinet Build
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 4691
Thanks to the nice people and ISOTunes, I got a chance to try out and review a couple of their wireless safety earbuds in my own workshop for a few weeks. Until they had contacted me, I was unaware that there these units were available and since I have been struggling for years to find ear protection that works for me, I was quite anxious to try these out. In the past I have tried the little foam inserts and they work ok, but taking them in and out constantly, is time consuming and fiddly, and they are only good for a very few insertions before they no longer work properly. I have a few different sets of over-the-ear earmuff style ear protectors, and they work ok but the biggest challenge I have with these is that because I am constantly listening for ambient noise in the workshop because of the video taping I am doing, I can't wear hearing protection all the time or I miss outside noises that can affect the audio recording. The fact that I am always wearing eye protection on a cord around my neck, and constantly taking of and putting on my glasses, most ear muffs are bothersome to wear.
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I spend a lot of time in my workshop, not just recording videos, but also doing prep work in advance of making videos which can consist of preparing wood, making mock-up items, testing designs and even making prototypes. During this time that I am not recording, I enjoy listening to music, sometimes it's my own purchased music, other times I will tune into a radio station on my mobile phone and stream that music to my small portable Bluetooth speaker. During this time I also putting on and taking off earmuff safety protectors and of course my safety glasses.
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5 Quick Sanding Hacks - Woodworking Tips and Tricks
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 12778
Sanding is easily my least favorite part of woodworking but I know that it is a very important step because sanding is one of the major steps that determine how you finished project will look. I force myself to take my time and do a good job, but that doesn't make the whole process any less tedious. The one hope I have is that I can come up with some accessories and modifications that can help, even in a small way, to make my sanding at least more bearable.
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Here are a few of the things I do to help make my sanding jobs easier ...
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