Wood Jointer Tips for Setting Up and Using a Jointer
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 17722
Jointers can be one of the most frustrating tools to set up and to use, and sometimes it isn't even the machine, sometimes it's the wood that's the problem all along, but we blame it on the machine or how we set up the jointer. In this article, I will be talking about using the jointer, and referring back to an older video and article I made on setting jointer knives if that is the information you are looking for. Both of these articles and videos are important to understanding ... AND getting good results.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/YbvPVz9NDxk
The first thing to know, even before you start to set the knives, the in-feed, out-feed or the fence, is to MAKE SURE you have excellent quality measuring tools ...
Miter Gauge Upgrade : Incra 1000SE vs. Osborne EB-3
- Read Time: 12 mins
- Hits: 8735
In my shop, the miter gauge doesn't get used as much as it once did, because I have a sliding miter saw, but it seems that any time I want to make good, accurate and repeatable cuts I always seem to go back to the old reliable miter gauge and table saw. In this episode I will NOT be cutting any wood with either miter gauge, mainly because when I set them up and tested them by cutting wood, they were both perfectly aligned from the factory, and they both made perfect cuts, so I expect that the remainder of the factory "angle settings" would be the same, but either way, a proper comparison cutting begs for a whole other video.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/S_lYkvAJQTw
If you are following my channel you will know that I was enormously dissatisfied with the miter gauge that came with the table saw, and so upgraded to one of the Incra models ..
5 Basic Wood Router Table Accessories & Router Jigs
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 9239
There are many accessories for the wood router table, but of those who are new to wood routing, there are a few basic accessories that may be a bit more useful at first and many of them will be used over and over again because they are basic tools used in conjunction with router bits and router table usage.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/okPHVG3Aov8
Someone told me many years ago that "probably 80% of the things you can do with a wood router, will be done on a router table" and I think after all these years I have to agree with him. My first router, was, like so many others and handheld device that did a few things, but many of the more advanced things I wanted to do require a router table ...
Subscriber Tips and Tricks Episode 5 - More Woodworking Hacks
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 18346
I love it when people tell me improvements they have made on my various tips and jigs, some of them are brilliant and often even more simple, which makes them even more valuable. In this episode, I have a mix of new and some previous ideas, but with subscriber updates that I thought were certainly worth sharing ...
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/DSX9FkhZZhs
I have had many, many people sending me ideas and updates, and some of you have and are very prolific in your ideas ... you have many of them to share, so I will start off with Michael from near Vancouver Canda who has many ideas he has shared .. this is one of them ...
How to Build a Woodworking Workbench: Scale Model Prototype
- Read Time: 7 mins
- Hits: 4253
It's finally that time for me. Long, long overdue for me to replace my workbench. It was quickly thrown together as a “temporary” workbench about 23 years ago and has followed me on 3 house moves including 2 complete disassemble and re-assembles and still, I am using it. It has worked well for the most part but it's time to replace it with something more up-to-date and with some accessories I can add on over time.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/FP3wgkJK9mQ
I have been researching and putting thoughts together on a new workbench for some time and have come up with a simple design I like. The new design is very similar in looks to what I currently have but with some changes for the better ...
How to Build a Hand Sanding Block for Sanding Discs
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 19421
Whenever I am sanding a project down, just before applying a finish, I often use my random orbital sander, but the final sanding job I do is to hand sand - with the grain - every part of the project, and finally, remove all the sanding dust. I ran out of 220 sheet sandpaper on my last project, which prompted me to use a disc pad as a hand sander. This gave me the idea to make a hand sander that uses the same discs as my random orbital sander.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/yZBtvbYNc8A
And by using the same hook and loop material I can even quickly change discs or grits when I need ...
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