Upgrades to My Ridgid Oscillating Belt and Spindle Sander
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 8745
One of the handiest tools I own is my Ridgid Oscillating Belt and Spindle Sander that was recommended to me by a friend, many years ago and it has given me years of good service, but as I use it I find it has a couple of items that could use some updating, and thanks to a suggestion from Bill in Wichita, I finally go around to making these changes.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Kes9AHLX96M
The first update was to that annoying, reverse thread knob on to of the oscillating mechanism that allows you to change and secure spindles and the belts ...
CA Glue Adhesives Tips and Tricks Episode #3
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 5592
CA glues are such a handy thing in the workshop, I can't imagine ever being without it because it can just solve so many things in the workshop, like clamping, repairing furniture, fixing tools and even filling cracks and knotholes ... the stuff is like another woodworking tool on its own.
For some users, it's wise to use "Nitrile" gloves when working with CA Glues, especially the thin version because it dries very quickly and you don't want your glue-up to be sticking to your fingers.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/FZjCwiUo2T8
Check out fresh CA glue and order direct from Starbond, here - https://www.starbond.com/?rfsn=2309039.76b483
*** Use the discount code word - WOODWORKWEB - and receive a 10% off on your order for the next 30 days
Why I Don't Sharpen My Own Table Saw Blades
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 18566
There are many things in woodworking that I have experimented with or tried out, some worked and some did not. I always enjoy the challenges of learning new things and maybe even coming up with new processes and ways of working, but there is one thing that I have little interest in spending my time on and that is attempting to sharpen my own table saw or miter saw blades.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/TQmEBsTatNY
I purchase good quality saw blades for a reason, and that is to get good quality cuts in wood because when I do this so I don't have to spend my time fixing, repairing, and sanding out imperfections that lesser quality saw blades can create ...
3 Quick Woodwork Clamping Tricks
- Read Time: 3 mins
- Hits: 20139
Woodworking is full of different kinds of clamps that are designed to be a solution for almost any clamping or gluing situation. Sometimes we only encounter these special situations very rarely and some of us don't have specialty clamps .. unless it is something we are doing quite often, like picture frames, or even box making.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/bc_1l2SX97M
To help solve some of these situations and to give woodworkers some ideas of what can be done, or even some thoughts that will help them come up with other solutions that work for them, here is a quick rundown of things I have encountered in the past ...
Making a Pivoting Fence / Resaw Bandsaw Fence Using a Magswitch Jig
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 7015
There are a few reasons that you might want to slice wood finely using a bandsaw. For me, it is usually because I have some highly figured wood that I want to try and spread out over a larger area and by making thin slices I can book match the wood, or just use more of it in different areas, but sometimes I am wanting to cut wood in thin strips for a banding job too ... lots of different reasons.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/OXuo7ALndrE
This is a pretty easy auxiliary fence to make, I basically consist of one vertical piece of wood that comes to a point, or it could simply be rounded, either way, the point of a pivot fence is to be able to slice wood evenly over wider pieces of stock lumber.
Colin Knecht's Woodworking Tips and Tricks
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 14612
I try and remember to add some of my well-used tips and hacks, that I have been using for years, but some of them I have been using so long, I forget that many other people have never seen or heard of them so here today are some old and some new ...
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/GndgpO_IX_s
Mixing Shellac
I love using shellac, it frequently gives and nice tone to the wood without overpowering the color and while still protecting the wood, but the problem with shellac is that it doesn't last very well and needs to be made fresh ...
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