Colin's Favorite Woodworking Tips & Tricks / 500,000 Subscriber Special!
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 7316
This video marks the 500,000 Subscriber to join the woodworkweb YouTube Channel. Since I started making videos over 12 years ago, when the only other woodworker that I can recall who was making videos at the time I started, was Marc Spagnuolo - The Wood Whisperer. Back then our videos were fuzzy and lots of room grow and improve.
To everyone who watches my video and to those who have Subscribed, and to all my Subscribers who have submitted their ideas and Tips and Tricks, from the bottom of my heart ... I THANK YOU !!! ...
To commemorate this event, I wanted to go over a few of my Favorite Tips and Trick, some I use a LOT, others not as often, but I still really like them ....
Tree Felling & Milling My Own Lumber with a Portable Sawmill
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 4338
I watched for 3 years as the Red Alder next to the laneway at the back of my property slowly died. I could see it had been hit my machinery going up and down the lane, and too wide for it and hitting my tree. Now it's time to take the poor tree down because it is now a hazard to all those people who walk up and down the lane as I see dead branches on the ground that have fallen off.
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Anyone who might have got hit by one of these could get seriously injured or worse, so time for the tree to go, but rather than haul it away, I think it will still make some good lumber ...
Colin Answers Common Woodworking Questions
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 7116
I get some questions from subscribers and a regular basis, so for these, I like to answer by video so that everyone can benefit from my answers rather than me having to email or text individuals one at a time ...
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To start off with, let's have a look at "woodwork sizing" in terms of finishing and other related issues as it pertains to water down PVA glue.
Wood Joint Strength Tests on End Joints.
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 11019
I guess having lived most of my life as a bit of a skeptic, I frequently find myself questioning whether things I see or hear of and just how accurate they are. I woodworking we have many things that are shared between woodworkers that are not quite as they are portrayed which is why I love to hear or know of the "science" behind different things we do in woodworking.
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I recently decided to look at hydraulic presses so I could do some real testing of my own and found they were surprisingly inexpensive for my small woodworking needs, then to my good luck, I stumbled upon a sale and decided it was something I could make good use of.
6 Quick Woodworking Tips and Tricks
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 5796
I think the theme of this episode tips and tricks is "saving footsteps in the workshop". I have never worn a footstep counter but I know that I make many unnecessary footsteps in my workshop going back and forth for different reasons so hopefully, some of the tips given here will help me save a bit of shoe leather.
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The first tip is from a friend of mine Steve, who works in a busy production shop alongside Debbie and together their output of products is busy and in some seasons quite hectic. The last thing they need is to re-finish some of their woodwork products because of a tiny bit of glue that may have got on the wood and now is blocking the stain from absorbing into the wood ...
Colin's New Workshop Secret - CNC Woodworking
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 5820
Woodworking on its own can be quite challenging, and if you have been woodworking for many years, even a lifetime, some parts of it can become mundane and repetitive, which is one of the reasons we often pick new projects to make. In my case, I got inspired by Paul to change the way I do some things and learn how to use a small shop CNC machine.
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During that video and article with Paul (click here for article and video), I became enthralled with some of the potential things that I could do with my own CNC machine, things like Jigs, Parts for Jigs like knobs and hold-downs ...
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