Starbond CA Glue Tips & Tricks in Woodworking
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 6527
I have come to rely on CA Glue, or Cyanoacrylate glue in my workshop as a big time saver, especially in fixing little problems that arise from working with wood, but many other things in the shop as well and it's no secret I prefer Starbond because the variety of glues and it's freshness, and I enjoy working with businesses that provide quality products.
Starbond CA Glue Tips & Tricks in Woodworking
There are just so many uses for an instant bonding glue in the workshop, I seem to find some new use for it almost every week ...
And thanks to the nice people at Starbond who have sponsored this video, AND they are offering 15% off Starbond CA products by using discount code 'Woodworkweb' at checkout - -
Best Results for Woodworking with Pine Wood
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 10955
The one thing that every woodworker has in common is what woods to use, and for those who are new to the hobby and often working on a limited budget because of ... maybe some investment in tools ... is the cost of wood. And one of the more common woods that new woodworkers will select is pine for a number of reasons.
Best Results for Woodworking with Pine Wood
Pine is easy to find almost everywhere, it's fairly economical, often quite flat, light to handle, and easy to work with because of the softness of the wood and it can be transformed into many looks with stains and dyes, but Pine has one drawback ...
Workshop Tips and Tricks
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 7897
In this episode I have a mixed bag of my own and other peoples tips and tricks to share, for all around the workshop to save you time, sometimes save you money, and always to help get the job done more conveniently ...
Workshop Tips and Tricks
The first tip is something I learned a long, long time ago and haven't used for many years, but popped back into my brain a few days ago when I need to draw some parallel lines and I remembered this trick ...
Secrets the Woodworking Pros Won't Tell You ...
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 7858
I always love working with people who have more experience than me because that's how I learn new things, and when it comes to pro woodworkers and master carpenters, they have all sorts of little tricks and ideas they use on a daily basis to get quicker and more accurate results, so it saves them time and helps them get top quality results, what could be better??
Secrets the Woodworking Pros Won't Tell You ...
The first person I learned so much from was my High School woodworking teacher, "Charlie" Whittaker. When I joined his class he had already been a woodworker and a teacher for a number of years and had many little things he taught us that have served me my entire life ...
Advanced Edge Jointing Techniques with a Wood Jointer
- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 7924
I'm sure the wood jointer was the most frustrating tool for me to figure out how to set and use, but I stuck with it because I understood it was the foundation of everything I wanted to make that was straight and flat, and so I had to make sure I knew how to set up and use the jointer ... but I also learned there is a lot more to jointing wood ...
Advanced Edge Jointing Techniques with a Wood Jointer
And one of the first things I learned was that setting up the jointer is job number one, and it needs to be done correctly or nothing else matters ...
Subscriber Woodworking Tips and Tricks Episode 13
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 4776
I hope I will be able to remember all the cool tips and trick for woodworking that Subscribers have sent me when it comes time to use them ... or, I can just go to this website and type in a single word into the search box, hit the return key and I will have the article, with an answer on the screen within seconds.
Subscriber Woodworking Tips and Tricks Episode 13
Every time people send me in ideas, I can't believe how much there is for me to learn that will make my woodworking more efficient and fun ...
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